Naturist Massage Hampshire
Naturist Massage Hampshire
Enjoy the sexy and liberating feeling of being massaged completely nude. Either you or both of us can do away with all that restrictive clothing and return to our natural, naked state. To feel the fresh air on your naked skin waiting in anticipation of a sexy sensual massage is surely one of life’s greatest pleasures.
The term ‘naturist’ usually means those who enjoy being naked or nude often when enjoying the sunshine but many now find that a naturist massage is a great way to explore and enjoy the sensation of being naked – My sensual naturist massage is a great way to start
Naturism is growing across the UK
Over three million people in the UK enjoy naturist activity many agree being naked is of benefit giving your skin chance to breath and helping you unwind mentally and de-stress. Many say that naturism has made them happier, more content and less stressed.
What can I expect from my Hampshire naturist massage?
Naturist massage, naked, nude or nudist massage means we will probably both be taking our clothes off. I will ensure you are warm and comfortable and will work my magic massage techniques on you while I am in the nude as well. I will be doing everything I can to completely relax you and build a bond between us. It is a sexy, sensual, exciting and intimate experience which will nearly always have a happy ending but as always there is absolutely no pressure.
How intimate will my Naturist massage be?
With some ladies you may just get a standard full-body massage with the only difference being you are naked. If you are seeking a more sensual naturist massage experience, you have found the right lady for you in Hampshire and Surrey. As you will see I also offer a tantric massage or slippery body to body NURU massage as well.
My naturist nude massages feature a few of my body to body and tantric massage techniques. I will occasionally make full body to body contact with your naked body, stimulating you with my breasts, thighs and feet. You may well be aroused to the point of sexual release.
If you are interested in the possibility of a Tantric massage in the future you will find that my naturist massage is the perfect way to see what may lie ahead while I caress and stimulate you close to climax. With my Tantric massage I include Sacred Spot massage which is an even more intimate massage.
How do I book your naturist massage services?
For an amazing Naturist massage in Hampshire or Surrey I do offer outcalls but usually only to those who have visited me for a naked or nude massage or if you are staying in a local hotel. To visit me please call to make an appointment and check availability I am in a quiet discrete part of Hampshire less than 40 minutes’ drive from Guildford, Basingstoke, Portsmouth and Winchester. I look forward to meeting you for a Hampshire or surrey naturist massage very soon